Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Sanctuary

Now I've hiked further down the beach and Im staying in the dorm of this place called the Sanctuary. It's a sort-of resort that has shamans and yogi's and reiki people and all those kind of people here. The grounds are pretty idealic with little paths everywhere with pools and bhudas and krisjnas and hanumans and in every nook and cranny there's a little shine with candles and insence and flowers. There s a restaurant on the beach dimly lit where you sit on cushions on the ground or hang around in hammocks and people are reading books and playing chess and eating. There's lots of really good food it's mostly vegetarian thai and indian dishes. Special menus for people coming and going into fasts. Cleansing foods. Apparently there's lots of people here fasting. People all ages children old people every race. Good music.

Everyone's just wearing their bathing suits and bright sarongs around their necks or waist or head. There's some people walking around with crazy dreads or mohawks. People covered in tatoos.

There's a shaman walking around. He's a younger sort of guy. I noticed he's the first to get up after dinner to start dancing and then after a while some more come in and then there's a whole mob of girls and boys sort of trance dancing while everyone else is eating their desserts.

Thai dudes play this game over a net during the day. Three to each side. The ball is small woven bamboo. They play like volleyball but can only kick the ball like hacky sack. Pretty gnarly. These dudes are really healthy.

I saw a thai boxing match and when the fighters enter the ring they go to the middle and bow down and do this weird dance and music comes on droning electric guitar feedback. Trance music. No notes just sort of droning. Like meditation. Then after they do the dance and bow to the four corners they fight and the music keeps going. It adds this really odd atmosphere to the whole thing. Apparently it has something to do with the spirit realm.

Somehow this place has a more obvious link to the spirit world than any other place ive ever been. Every house has a spirit house outside to leave offerings.

The more you begin to see the world as imaginary, the more things from your imagination begin to fuse with reality. That's why I desire to have a childlike imagination.


Blogger Quitmoanez said...

Re-enchant the real, re-enchant the real!

9:50 AM  

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