Friday, December 18, 2009


You are Eternal

Songs of Realization. Melchidadek

Master of transformation

Riddle Catalyst

Even though I walk through the shadow of death I fear no evil for you are with me. My faith is not a counterfeit. Ghost Buddy Come. Run children Run. Angelic Host. Let´s evangalize about the holy lord of clowns and jesters offering a special spectacle of mythic proporttions for you and all your freinds.When we become prideful in our positions is when we fall. Follow your will with percerverance. Clowns and Jesters of Lord Nrshimha the Lion headed. The passage of time is not absolute or univeral, but is instead relative to the place and motion of the observer. Tsunami is the mythc bird. As a reflection of your faith you should express yourself. Crop cirlces. Coors light freshie. Dancing in a fairy ring. Zero 20 Hero. The idieas I am putting forward are so much at variance with ordinary assumptions and the solutions I offer are so remote, there is a gap between what is and what according to me, might be, that my audience cannot take me seriously. Dmt Ayawaska. I am the taste of water. Kropotkin I will take you to the other shore where exists a mental technology devised for jumping bewteen worlds. There is a fixed mechanism at work in the dance. A mechanism that may indeed be supernatural, generating uncanny forces at the intersection of Worlds. Im drinking the sweat of the Smoky Tiger. The evolution of speices who are all doomed to die. Consiousness which is eternal. Atheist denies the beuaty and sweetness of love. Strategy. Leberation theology; a Socialist interpretation of Jesus. Highest bird is a hybrd.Great Warrior King. This is a war waged by the forces of civilization against those of barbarism. In the begginning the earth was seperated from the sky. Jeztr´s exile. The heavens from the firmannet, creating a world of perpetual impermanacne and the gateway god stepped through. Spirit of the mountaints. Harmony. Follow your own will with obediance and percerverance. It will guide you to the other shore. Devotion to jah wont allow you to fall. Allowing the music to instill in you higher knowledge of the planetary spheres. Harmonic destiny. King of Seers. Cosmic Preisthood. Multi dimensional beings. Horoscope salesmen. Demi Gods. A body of energy. The Astrologer Enoch is your navigator. Dreams have a tangible reality. Utopia lives. Dechiper the sotry behind the story. See the gravities and influences. Euhcharist of the stars and planets. Fatherless and motherless like Mechizadek. Shiva, Osiris, fate imprinted on my consiuousness like constellations. Alienzodiac from the energetic zone orchestrating the evolution of the soul. This body has been resynthezized since antiquity Hieroglyphic though forms. The heretical truth that we can spark our own divinity from within. Do not overlook the wisdom traditions of the devine mother. Manifest grace like thor the lightning God and wade through the river nile. This way brings showers of glory to you and your house. Venus wears the higher garment of ascension. Thinking in technicolor hearing the music of the spheres. Mars crown chakra the helmet of salvation with which you put on a new mind. You can be a communicator of the higher mind Stoneage rocket. Alpha and Omega. Piles of Rubble Mumies. Historically certain figures sometimes emerge from stagnant despairing or disentigrating cultures to reinterpret old symbols and beleifs and invest them with new meaning. An individual´s decision to play such a role may be purely unconsious but it can sometimes evolve into an acute awareness that he may indeed have the gift-burden of prochecy. This realization may be followed by the public declaration on the part of such a person that he is merely the instrument of a new source of knowledge a new direction and a new order.


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