Enjoy. Undulate. From ashes to ahses dust to dust. You are the one who you can trust. As dangerous as a precious jewel on the head of a cobra. Real prophecy not to be forgotten. War chariots in the sky. Jah Rastafari. Chariots approching they are coming from afar. Jah Chariots approching. Our globe is part of stellar space, the waves of which are luminous or magnetic; propogates by the movements and ignitions of the heavenly bodies. Everything that lives on earth is bathed in this ocean of waves; the science that studies this ocean, the science that one day will manage to explain dverything by the state of momentary heaven is the science of self-realization. In the deserted Valley of Death where my personality was swallowed up I found the JesterĀ“s Tomb. I tell you children there is more. More and more people moving out of corporate slavery and working for themselves respendant as the sun. In the Expanse of the Heaven which encircles the world, there are Figures, signs, by which we can know the secret things and the most profound mysteries. These signs are formed by the constellations, which are for the wise man a subject of contemplation and of delight. An Anarchist society, a society which organizes itself without authorityis always in existence, like a seed bveneath the snow, buried under the weight of state and its bureaucracy, capitlaism and it's waste, priverlage and its injustices, nationalism and its suicidal loyalties, religious differences and their superstitious seperatism. Our urge to co-operate is equal ith our urge to dominate. I can walk on water, Im an anarchist. Peter pan could fly, he was an anarchist. Robin hood had his ban dof merry men. Robin was an anarchist. Bakunin and Marx. Society without government like what Lennon said. Marx is an authoritarian and centralizing communist. He wants what we want, the complete triumph of econocmic and social equiality but he wants it through th State and through State power. We want the abolition of the State and of all that which passes by the name of the law. What law has the Outlaw? Permanant war economy. Civilian Deaths. Obama got the Nobel Prize. The Almighty Creator dancing through the elven orchards. She comes with the clouds. The one world Order. Slums. Rastafari Warrios. Unrestrained capitalism. Self-governance. Bring back the old thing. Self'governance by the people for the people. In the area of unrestrained capitalism competition between employers knowing no other weaopon than the explotation of their workers was transformed into a struggle of each employeragainst his own wormen, and ultimately of the entire employing class against their employees, So the State uses wa and the threat of war as a weapon against itos own popluation. War is the health of the State. War is the expression of the State in its most perfect hour. My task is not to gain power but to erode it. To drain it away from the State.
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