Manito Bandits

Bandits of the spirit. this is our bandits's code. Free from the monotony and slavery of doing the same thing day in and day out ans is control of the whole job from start to finish. He is free to decide for himself how and when to set about it. He is responisible t5o himself and not to someone else. He is working not because he has to but because he wants to. He is doing his own things. He is his own man.Lunatic asylums. The Dj Prisons. Hospitals graveyards, radio stations. Factories that only use us to one millionth of our true capacity. Corporations who have enslaved us with their toys that we cannot fix when broken. Lord here me now. This is a gigantic prison or palce its hard to tell. Skyscraper. You can impose authority but you cant impose freedom. Stress anarchism as an ideal of personal liberation. Cease to change society except by example. Surveillance. I used to think our countreis were the richest in the world until I realized that riches mean learning and beauty, music and art. Community orginizations. Networks instead of pyramids. WHittle away power from the centre. Many people I know are lost. Threat to the power structure. Macro Micro. How soon before the Third World rises in Revolt. The worlds resources are finite. The wealthy economies are exploiting the unrenewable resources at a rate which the planet cannot contain. How soon? The developed economies are exploiting the resources of the third world as cheap raw materials. Rubert Murdoch great tribulation. The third world countries cannot hope to chieve the levels of consumption of the rich world. Level the factories and give them back to nature. Expel the bankers and the oligarchs. Downgrade the standard of living for the rich. Isnt the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isnt it our responsibility to bring that about? We need to restart the revolutionary movement. The extremely rich are different from us. Their values have been reveresed. Deleiver them for they have fallen. Artificial crises creation. Monolopy of the rockefllers and the Rothchilds. Cartels. The economic crises. Trillions of dollars. Wall street cronies are crooks. I am the Sovereign Smoky Tiger. International monetary fund. Ether. SInce the dawn of time Ancient cultures have understood that every living creature has a spirit. A life force which animates the physical body. Always in a trance enjoying the pleasure within. The spiritual domain which suyrrouns the planet. In recent times an evil group of people who communicate with demons have been destroying the very spirit of the planet Earth. This association of black Magicians is called the illuminati. The corporation.s They are engineering wars and ecological catastrophes causing millions of people to die in a state of terror. Sending shock waves through the ether. Peoples spirits cascade into the spirit world. They control the corporations. Disconnecting us rom the knowledge of our higher spiritual self. BUt you cannot take the heat from the fire.The spirit world exisits. And the fact that reality is shaped by our own consiousness is hidden from the public by control of the world's media. Seas are overfished. Forests are destroyed. Pagans, sahdus and sky watchers have all recognized for thousands of years. The Spi9rit of the Mother earth is central to our survival. Swine flu. The smoky tiger told me to tell you to get blotto tonight. Single handedly. Melt like wax before the flame.
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