Monday, April 03, 2006


Originally uploaded by babajiwotan.
It's necessary to put myself out there, especially if I want to get ahead at work. While my projects alone should put me in the spotlight, I may need to grease the wheels just a bit to get my acclaim.

My loved ones know they can count on me for just about anything --I've always remembered the necessities and niceties that everyone else lets slide. If they ask, I'll let them in on my secret.

I bask in the comforting rituals of family, friends and home. Right now my senses are heightened, and they allow me to perceive the everyday miracles I might otherwise miss. I have so much to be thankful for.

When I let them, people can really surprise me in some very pleasant ways. The trick is to keep an open mind -- and not try and do everything for them just so that I can feel like I'm in charge.

I've gone as far as I can on a big project. Now it's time to find a wise elder who can guide me the rest of the way. I won't hesitate to join forces with someone I previously never would have considered.

It's crunch time for me. I will put aside all distractions and inform loved ones that I may be incommunicado for a while. My goal is within reach, and I'll need to concentrate all my forces to reach it.


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