Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Countdown to Pegtown

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
Im just here in Dehli toodling around. My freind Tia is showing me around. My Dehli-belly persists and today I spent much of my time lounging in my bed. Im tired dudes. This has been a long run.

The streets are so packed with everything. Like instead of everyone going to Walmart there's all these tiny specialized stores. And they're all tiny like at the Museum of Man and Nature in the oldfashioned Winnipeg there you know what I mean? Except there's also high tech areas and also these amazing ancient monuments. Traffic is amazing. Really hot and dusty and smelly. It's enough just to sort of wander down this main bazaar really slowly and try to take it in. It's best to be in a bit of a daze though or else your nerves may be frazzled by the shopowners heckling you to come in and look at their t-shirts or blankets or onions or whatever.

Hey lets put on some kind of Bazaar at the Label where everybody comes and exchanges books and clothes and stuff. Advertize it at the Universe and sort of usher in Spring. What is Label doing this month anyways?

Ive been thinking how cool it would be to open up the store at the bottom of my Parent's Building on Langside and make an actual Langside Lounge. Art gallery, selling coffee and cake, selling clothes and jewelry etc.

Ive made plans to go to the Omega institute at the end of the summer. You go there and live on the grounds in a sort of tent city and volunteer in the kitchen serving rich new agers and you get to take all these mumbo jumbo new-age courses for free. Yipee!!

mind you I get in around noon I don't know how Ill be feeling. Might be a bit culture shocked!

Omens to observe:
It's funny I bought a flashman book for the plane. And the only other time I read flashman was on the last leg of my jaunt to Mexico a few years past. Great entertainment.

At the zoo today I saw two leopards copulating.

What does it all mean?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Zoo in Delhi? Thats a scary thought.

8:23 PM  
Blogger Anita said...

Dehli is a zoo all in itself.

8:17 AM  
Blogger CaptainGoldStar said...

It's not so bad. The longer I stay the more I am enjoying it.

8:36 PM  

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