Sunday, August 06, 2006

PholkFest Recapitulation

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.

Another part of the vision quest was the ceremonial finding of the sacred grove. This means I wandered off into the woods until I ran into a pack of wild turkeys which led me to the grove and then the sacred tree.Which I hugged and bonded with a bit. I reckon this tree and grove will play an important role somehow in the phests to come. After I went and sat in the truck and turned on the stereo. Neil Young came on the album harvest. Then I picked up this book call the Portable Dragon which Ive been carrying around for a few years now. It's the complete I-CHing with passages gleamed from western literature to illustrate. After that I took off my illaborate red costume, all my jewelry and crystals and put on a plain set of jeans and a white tee-shirt. Then I continued on with the quest which from this point on consisted of primarily feats of phsyical exercise.

I chose to illustrate this particular part of the trip because all though the events seem simple and mundane, it was perhaps the highest moments of my entire life. The Neil in the truck with the I-ching was absolutely completely sublime. I'll carry those simple moments with me for the next year at least. The memory of pure perception. When every second is absolutely perfect and all secrets are revealed. Perfect certainty and ease with all things.

I joined with my long time girlfreind and that's a whole other story. All the very strange ritualized things we did. At one point we made this weird sort of circle of invulnerability on the hill in order to watch the sunset. We didn't speak but were communicating with close-too psyonics I reckon. Waiting for the sunrise we gathered these items from the surrounding area and forged this Magic Wand! That was really weird. Then we sort of incubated it in the circle as the sunrose. Amazing remembering how she gave me the peices to the wand and I took them, mind competely beyond language or speech, and I fitted the peices together just like a key. And then us looking at the wand as the sun rose as if it was our child and it looked so unbeleivably beautiful. Like there was no way those simple objects should look so gorgeous but I could hardly take my eyes off of it.

Captain Godstar, the Red Sherrif


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice site! » » »

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