Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Originally uploaded by babajiwotan.
Hmm. I awoke from a dream where I was sitting there with these people. I examined one of the people closely and I realized they seemed to be composed of some semi-transparent waxy material kind of like amber. And they were coloured sort of reddish.

I think this has to do with my recent observations of people's body and skin condition after they have been doing various types of breathing excerises and yogas.

Also Babji's body was described as being made of gold.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Originally uploaded by babajiwotan.
Some people say the way to get enlightenment is to work at mundane things until you enter a level that is beyond boredom and complacency into pure joy at everything you do. Doesn't matter if you're picking cotton or shovelling manure, this type of enlightened being is completely satisfied at all times living in the now.

There is another definition of enlightenment that seems to be contrary to this one. This form of enlightment that has to do with the unfolding of human potential. This form is developed not through standard definitions of work but through what we consider to be liesure. Meditation, dance, singing, creative activity, diet regulation, mind expansion techniques, intelectual activity etc. It requires the luxery that results from privilege.