Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
The Star

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there lived a society of alchemists and ancient teachers dedicated to the preservation of life, nature and the survival of mankind. These master teachers were very similar to the Jedi George Lucas portrayed in his 1977 epic "Star Wars - A New Hope" and were just as dedicated in their quest to be victorious on the side of Good over Evil. Toward this end, they created the 17th card of the Major Arcana and named it THE STAR, to express their greatest hope and desire "May The Force Be With You".

Tarot - mort(1)

Tarot - mort(1)
Originally uploaded by The Stranger.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Posted by: thesmokytiger.
Only within his own soul can a man find the means to unseal the lips of an initiate. He must develop within himself certain faculties to a definite degree, and then the highest treasures of the spirit can become his own.


Posted by: thesmokytiger.
here my kitty sits on my computer. A dual portrait of two influenctial non-human characters in my life. Soon i will leave them both behind! this is the melancholy of automn

the fall of the proto-races

summer has fallen

What the legends of Ptah or Osiris say is that knowledge was passed onto common people in a Master/initiate relationship. As time ensued, those men taught by the wise ones, or sages, became priests. It will be an issue of priests and wisdom which will bring us back to the coneheads.

With this, we arrive at the greatest enigma of all. Wherefrom and when did the coneheads originate? Is there a regular appearance of these anomalous-headed people found in routine archeological excavations?

On 28 October 2004, "experts in human origins" were quoted in both Nature Magazine and the Los Angeles Times. The subject was "the most important - and surprising - human find in the last 50 years." Previously unknown humans have been found. They were unique enough to qualify for being an entirely separate species because they were "barely three feet tall"! They were much smaller than pygmies.

Biblical accounts of (mythic) giants are apocryphal, at best, in the eyes of rationalists. Yet, between the King James and the Revised Versions of the Bible, giants are referred to 14 times. The Scripture speaks of the Giants who lived prior to the flood. The Hebrews named them the Nephilim ..., or, as Genesis, Chapter 6, describes them: Those Who Have Come Down, from the Heaven to Earth. This description adds a whole other dimension of revisionist purpose and necessity. For purposes here, however, we must remain limited to what "science" is capable of contributing, in its mode of insight by default.

"This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered."

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Subversive Activity

Am I a terrorist?

Must I suffer through the pain again?

I love myself

I love you all.


Posted by: thesmokytiger.
You only decieve yourself.

Im a living man.


Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
Here s a collaborative project I did where I made a sign and cut it up into pieces and then all the kids decorated a piece with their favorite animal and thier name and glow in the dark stars.

Then I glued it back together. The children were delighted.

Korean Scenery 2

Scenery 2
Originally uploaded by The Stranger.

Korean Scenery

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.


Originally uploaded by The Stranger.


Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
Here I am teaching the kids how to invoke a magical aura of smoke.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Kaoss Machine

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
Perhaps the most striking feature of chaos magic is the concept of the magical paradigm shift. the technique of arbitrarily changing one's model (or paradigm) of magic a major concept of chaos magic.

The idea is that belief is a tool that can be applied at will rather than unconsciously. Some chaos magicians think that trying unusual, and often bizarre beliefs is in itself an experience worth having and consider flexibility of belief a form of power or freedom in a cybernetic sense of the word.

The gnostic state is achieved when a person's mind is focused on only one point, thought, or goal and all other thoughts are thrust out. Users of chaos magic each develop their own ways of reaching this state. Some of the most prominent techniques are prolonged meditation, the use of mind-altering drugs, self-inflicted pain and orgasm. All such methods hinge on the belief that a simple thought or direction experienced during the gnostic state and then forgotten quickly afterwards is sent to the subconscious rather than the conscious mind where it can be enacted through means unknown to the conscious mind.


Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
No task is too great for the clever Monkeys. They master most anything. They have extremely charming manners that draw others. Monkeys solve difficult problems with ease. They are quick-witted, innovative, and they have total and intense belief in themselves. No one delights in their own accomplishments like the Monkeys. Enjoying themselves immensely, they try anything at least once! Monkeys are intellectual and their memory is phenomenal. They recall the smallest details of everything they have seen, read, and heard. They must depend on that memory since they have an otherwise untidy mind. Monkeys are wizards with money. They are original, shrewd, and when they need to, they can fool anyone. There are a hundred and one fantastic schemes they want to try, and you can bet they make some of them work. Even when they take you in, it is hard to be angry with them, or begrudge them anything. They don't care what opinions others have of them. They know they are lucky, and they also know they have the ability to change things when convenience calls. Monkeys are virtually unsinkable! When the odds are stacked against them, Monkeys know when to quit. Their timing is superb, and they will wait to try another time. If you try to trick Monkeys, they will probably catch you. They never make a move without a plan. They are great strategists. They can spot an opportunity in any form. They never miss a trick!

Monkeys are hard workers once they have a piece of the action. The bigger the piece, the better they do. Monkeys like to travel, and they want to do it first class. They need a certain amount of excitement in their lives.

Since Monkeys get what they want without too much trouble, they may not care about all their conquests. They lose interest quickly and must learn to finish what they start and take care of what they have. People always flock around Monkeys, but Monkeys don't trust very much. They know a select group of friends that they choose carefully. Money is a must for Monkeys, and they usually have it, or will be in the process of getting it. They know nothing is permanent. They improve and try to do better, and often amaze even themselves. Monkeys like facts and they hate to waste time. Always remember, Monkeys don't care if you approve of them or not, and if not careful, you will be eating right out of their hands! They are the ultimate diplomats and slip in and out of difficulties with ease.

Monkeys must be careful in romance, although clear sighted, they are very critical and lose interest in anyone they can't consider their peer. They are vain and egotistical, but even that is to their advantage. Monkeys are always out in front!

Smoking Tiger

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
Almost all nations have their traditional animal. Each traditional animal reflects the characteristic of each nation. In brief, the traditional animal is a symbol of each nation. The traditional animal in Korea is the tiger. A long time ago, there were some tigers in some the mountains in Korea, so the tiger affected the ancient people strongly.

A tiger is a dangerous animal. As the largest number of the cat family, it has big and thick arms and big and sharp claws and teeth, so the ancient people in Korea were afraid of the tiger. However, we can often see the tiger in Korean history, folklore, and traditional Korean art because it is also a nice animal. It is very strong, majestic, beautiful, and brilliant, so many ancient people wanted to be strong and beautiful like the tiger.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Gate of Renunciation

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
Having succeeded in overcoming all sensual affections and desires, and in acquiring perfect equanimity towards everything around him, the hermit has fitted himself for the final and most exalted order, that of devotee or religious mendicant.

As such he has no further need of either mortifications or religious observances; but with the sacrificial fires reposited in his mind, he may devote the remainder of his days to meditating on the divinity. Taking up his abode at the foot of a tree in total solitude, with no companion but his own soul, clad in a coarse garment, he should carefully avoid injuring any creature or giving offence to any human being that may happen to come near him. Once a day, in the evening, when the charcoal fire is extinguished and the smoke no longer issues from the fire-places, when the pestle is at rest, when the people have taken their meals and the dishes are removed, he should go near the habitations of men, in order to beg what little food may suffice to sustain his feeble frame. Ever pure of mind he should thus bide his time, as a servant expects his wages, wishing neither for death nor for life, until at last his soul is freed from its fetters and absorbed in the eternal spirit, the impersonal self-existent.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare sieze the fire?

And what shoulder, & what art.
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

Monday, September 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by The Stranger.

Float like a Butterfly, sting like a bee.


Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
Whoah, look at that typhoon headed my way! Korea is that little peninsula and my city is set to bear the full brunt of it. Im battening down the hatches.

Check out

Jesse did a nifty photo documentary on Anita and I while he stayed here. Many cool and wise words and images there.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

At the Gate of Apocalypse

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
The Reindeer Queen of Automn stands before the gate of Apocalypse with her four consorts.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

bringer of light

Bring the light
Bring the light
Bring the light
Bring the light
Bring the light

setting sun

Truly I am shocked and awed by the destruction and anarchy in the city of New Orleans. Of course there is no one to blame. Is this apocalypse?