Thursday, March 23, 2006


Originally uploaded by babajiwotan.
Here's what I would like like if my dual soul was devided physically by black magic. And then if my devided selves decided to climb into a concrete box, have a shave and meditate.

In ancient greece there were two great gods worshipped. Dyonisius and Apollo. Dyonisios, song, intoxication, physical pleasure. Apollo, refinement, poetry, debate. They say that the culture shifted from one to the other and the shift can be observed even in the transfer of Wisdom from Socrates to Plato. Socrates being more Dyonisian and Plato being more Appolonic. And then most of Western society continued in the veign of Apollo. Seeing that type of virtue as being favorable.

Currently I seek for a return to the Dyonisian ideal of freespirited fun.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Sponge Gods

Originally uploaded by babajiwotan.
Here's the little known Sponge GOds of the Hindu pantheon. Gods of sponges, mops and other cleaning devices.

Holi dudes and cow

Originally uploaded by babajiwotan.
Here's a picture that captures the essence of Holi for me. Those dudes in the background just raving on while the poingant cow also paint covered is sauntering by. And the paint covered alley. Classis

Smoky the Bahai

Originally uploaded by babajiwotan.
I wore white to go to the Bahai temple. Magnifiscant modern architecture. Great religion. Kind of like a Uniterianism of the East.

Mosque Birds

Originally uploaded by babajiwotan.
Whoah this was a massive mosque in Delhi. I was at the top of this crazy tour where you walk up this narrow spiral staircase and there's all these other people crammed in and when you get to the top everyone's afraid of a panic stampede in which case all the tourists would overflow from the top and plunge to our deaths among the muslim hordes below. Truly an excellently holy place. Thousands of people just sort of chilling out in peace. Now I can see why mosques are always targets of terror. They are kind of like fortresses.


Originally uploaded by babajiwotan.
This was Holi. A special day where everyone throws paint on each other and just goes nuts. I saw a miniature painting from thousands of years ago depicting the same tradition. It's kind of highly sexualized too and so many women hide indoors.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Countdown to Pegtown

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
Im just here in Dehli toodling around. My freind Tia is showing me around. My Dehli-belly persists and today I spent much of my time lounging in my bed. Im tired dudes. This has been a long run.

The streets are so packed with everything. Like instead of everyone going to Walmart there's all these tiny specialized stores. And they're all tiny like at the Museum of Man and Nature in the oldfashioned Winnipeg there you know what I mean? Except there's also high tech areas and also these amazing ancient monuments. Traffic is amazing. Really hot and dusty and smelly. It's enough just to sort of wander down this main bazaar really slowly and try to take it in. It's best to be in a bit of a daze though or else your nerves may be frazzled by the shopowners heckling you to come in and look at their t-shirts or blankets or onions or whatever.

Hey lets put on some kind of Bazaar at the Label where everybody comes and exchanges books and clothes and stuff. Advertize it at the Universe and sort of usher in Spring. What is Label doing this month anyways?

Ive been thinking how cool it would be to open up the store at the bottom of my Parent's Building on Langside and make an actual Langside Lounge. Art gallery, selling coffee and cake, selling clothes and jewelry etc.

Ive made plans to go to the Omega institute at the end of the summer. You go there and live on the grounds in a sort of tent city and volunteer in the kitchen serving rich new agers and you get to take all these mumbo jumbo new-age courses for free. Yipee!!

mind you I get in around noon I don't know how Ill be feeling. Might be a bit culture shocked!

Omens to observe:
It's funny I bought a flashman book for the plane. And the only other time I read flashman was on the last leg of my jaunt to Mexico a few years past. Great entertainment.

At the zoo today I saw two leopards copulating.

What does it all mean?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Friends in Rishikesh

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
These are my buddies in Rishikesh. Those identical twins are the Young brothers. Musicians and sages extraordinaire. We exchanged much arcane knowledge.

That young dude on the right is a dude named Shiva who is taking care of all my business in town.

Im going to stay here a few more days.

Every night I pray for an effulgent body that will endure forever against wind, sky, fire, water, sun, moon, death, disease, weapons of killing, planets, injuries of evil deeds or anything else.

Later perhaps my prayers will be fulfilled and I will have such a body. Perhaps I already do.

O people, I seek refuge in my Mysterious Goddes who is the Lord of the Beautific Splendour that immortalises even the material body.

Tommorrow I might go back to the ruins of the Beatles ashram and pray with my guitar in one of the isolation chambers there.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Tiger Composition Formula

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
Whence this lifeless dejection, my freinds, in this hour, the hour of trial? Godkings know not despair , my friends, for that wins neither heaven nor earth.

Fall not into degrading weakness, for this is not becoming. Throw off this ignoble discouragement, and arise like a fire that burns all before it.

I will speak to you of that wisdom and vision which when known there is nothing else for you to know.

Beyond my visible nature is my invisible spirit. The Smoky Tiger.

The Tiger's mysterious cloud of appearance is hard to pass beyond; but those who in truth are devoured by the Tiger go beyond the world of shadow.

I have four faces. The man of sorrows. The seeker of knowledge, the seeker of something I treasure, and the man of vision.

The man of sorrows is sad because he has lost eternal true love.

The seeker of knowledge seeks the knowledge of eternal true love.

The seeker of something he treasures treasures eternal true Love.

The Man of Vision once saw a vision of eternal true love.

Laws of Kaoss

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
When you're a guest in someone's house, don't critisize the service.

Be Obscure because you want to be obscure. Like a mystic treasure box bound by the Lock of ignorance.

Long ago all the continents were joined together but later drifted apart, with some sinking into the Ocean.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Children in Rishikesh

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.

Beatles Ashram Rishikesh

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
Wow, this was a massive abandoned Ashram I came to at sunset. I imagined the Fab Four walking down the lanes in its hayday. They had acheived Godking status and the world seemed to be about to blossom into something strange and new. Must have been about 1967 or so. And they were like the Godkings of the West, philosopher kings, here to visit the great Godking of the East and exchange wisdom. Thinking back there was a lot of hope back then. But everything sort of fell to peices. They didnt like the dude because they thought he was hitting on their girlfreinds. The sixties turned into the seventies. All the greatest died. Ghosts now.

The place is a reflection of the dream that the world is having now. Derilection. A dream of peace shattered. Crippled monkeys. broken glass.

Im going to come back here and explore some more. Maybe find an old guitar pick or something.

KV in Rishikesh

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
I thought Id leave this mark of the fallen dude on a bench leading into the ruins of the Beatles Ashram in Rishikesh.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
Inm still here diligently carving. I took a day off on the start of Losar the tibetan nwe years so that I could attend ceremonies at the Dalai Lama's temple. It was nice and strange and thousands of tibetans they have a cool style kind of like cowboys from the middle ages. After the ceremonies I got caught in the middle of a stampede going into the main shrine. Im a good two feet taller than everyone and saved the lives of many small children from being trampled but it was all in good fun. Then at night I found a band and many people gathered around and My true self was excellently unleashed and I had a good crowd of tibetans and foreigners dancing around and screaming and stomping their feet to my new star guitar. All in good fun. When Im done the carving I may stay for the meditation course. Ive learned much about the second bhuda in Nepal and am considering going. Apparently a month ago he spontaneiously combusted and it was all caught on tape. He came breifly out of mediation to warn the people gathered around of his power. He's planning on being there for six years so if I miss it this time around Ill be able to go back later. Actually it would be good to catch him just as he's coming out of it. Maybe he's the anti-christ. It's all in good fun.


Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
This is a sheep herder I met wandering in the mountains. He offered me a beadie cigarette and spoke to me in a language I didn't understand. I beleive he was explaining to me details about sheepherding and sheperdry. After the lesson he took out his flute and played me some shepherd songs. I jammed along with whistles and have it all on video tape. Many prophets have been shepherds.

Holy Baba

Originally uploaded by The Stranger.
There are many holy babas here of various descriptions. All have very intense gazes.