The word Jihad signifies the exertion of one's power to the utmost of one's capacity in the path of Allah.
The Jihad against the enemies of Allah with one's life is only a part of the struggle which a true servant of Allah carries on against his own evil self for the sake of the Lord.
You can fulfill this struggle in four ways, by your heart, by your tongue, by your hands, and by the sword.
Whoever amongst you who sees something abominable, you should endevour to change it.
The best of Jihad is the uttering of the word of truth in the face of a tyrant ruler.
There do arise occasions in which the use of arms becomes a dire necessity and even a slight show of weakness under these circumstances leads to disasterous consequences. Islam has stressed the need of rising to such occasions and has exhortd its followers to face the dangers that might thus beset them bravely and manfully.
The Quran also explains the function of war as moral neccessity. It is with the help of force that the ever-mounting evil in human life is curbed. For if it continues to spread unchecked it would brutally shake the basis of moral order and justice in human society so much that even the places of worship would not be safe at the wicked elements of the human race.
"And were it not for Allah's reppelling people, some of them by means of others, the earth surely would be corrupted, but Allah is Gracious unto the worlds."